oh knows!
Monday, March 23, 2009, 4:11 AM
Oh knows oh knows! My hooman has discovered my blog :( Oh wells. I expect it can't be helped. Yesterday's yesterday my hooman gave me apple to eat, but ants came :( So I scolded them and chased them out :D But they were very hopeless and returned! Luckily my hooman took away the apple so they left! I shall post peektures of me soon :) I hope you'll think I'm adorable! By the way I've changed my profile, have you taken a peek? I hope you have! Alright now, bye! It's tiring to jump around on the keyboard :(
oh knows!
Monday, March 23, 2009, 4:11 AM
Oh knows oh knows! My hooman has discovered my blog :( Oh wells. I expect it can't be helped. Yesterday's yesterday my hooman gave me apple to eat, but ants came :( So I scolded them and chased them out :D But they were very hopeless and returned! Luckily my hooman took away the apple so they left! I shall post peektures of me soon :) I hope you'll think I'm adorable! By the way I've changed my profile, have you taken a peek? I hope you have! Alright now, bye! It's tiring to jump around on the keyboard :(
my name is viver la vida and i am a female dwarf hamster.
absolutely adorable and confirmedly cute (o.o) :)
i love my hooman and her family and friends and my husband, hammie, who is now living in the cage beside me 'cos my hooman is scared he gets me pregnant again ):
i also like running my pink (pink!) wheel and eating. and sleeping, of course.
i hope you enjoy your little visit to my little blog :)
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009